Monday, January 20, 2014

What Batman can teach you about inventing

Here is a recent interview I did that can help you in your inventor's journey:

  • Batman is a defender of justice in Gotham. 
  • Bruce Wayne (a friend of Batman) is a playboy and runs Wayne Enterprises. 

They can actually help you a lot in your efforts to invent and license out one of your ideas.
(Bold is what they said, italics is my take away)

Here is what he can teach you:
1) Always fight for justice!
A little abstract, but look for ways to solve people's problems. Solving problems makes people pull out their wallets.

2) No matter your past you can still be a defender of Gotham
Look at Batman. He was born rich and saw his parents murdered. He came back from that and became a legendary hero. Don't let your past "hold you back".

3) Take lessons from Ra's al Ghul
Remember that Batman learned from the best and so he became the best. When trying to become an inventor or product developer, take advice from those who are on your same path.

4) Get cool gadgets from Lucius Fox
So Lucius Fox (Morgan Freeman) was Bruce Wayne's assistant and would always hook him up with cool gadgets. Get help from others in your journey. They might have some good tips and tricks.

5) Get support from Alfred the Butler
Alfred is Bruce Wayne's butler and helps him out a TON. Don't be afraid to rely on others for support especially during rough times.

6) Don't be afraid of what others think. Justice is the most important thing
Sometimes the sexiest idea is not the best one. Invent for things you are passionate about and invent to solve problems. 

These are the key take-aways that I got from the Batman and Bruce Wayne interview. It was weird that I couldn't get them together in the same room at the same time. Several times during the interview, Bruce went to the bathroom and Batman appeared for a few minutes. He then left and Bruce came back. They could really benefit from getting to know each other!

I hope you liked this post... let me know how I can help you in your journey.

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