Monday, October 7, 2013

Persistence and using it to your advantage

A note on persistence.....

An important personality trait to have in life is to be persistent. Everybody says this! In every aspect of life, people say that you need to be persistent in order to get anything you want.
There is the negative side of persistence as well. I personally have heard horror stories where entrepreneurs spend their entire life and MILLIONS of dollars trying to make an idea into reality. In the end, they find that nobody wants their idea and their family has been cheering on a loser.The other side of the coin is where persistence pays off. These stories follow the entrepreneur hero archetype. The entrepreneur, against all odds and opinions, shows the world that this idea is really good and beneficial.

Somewhere in between lies the truth on persistence. Persistence does need to be used in order to get past most barriers, but can lead you astray. The difference of these two paths is one word: feedback. Whenever you feel as if you are getting nowhere, get feedback from you "brick wall." This applies to licensing very nicely as you should get feedback from the company you are trying to seduce. If your idea is a dud or has a major flaw, then the company will package that feedback in a useful way. While attempting to license an idea, you will run into several companies who will give you useful feedback. Take this and use it to your advantage.
Some people may think it is weird to ask for feedback. I know for a fact that most people WANT to give you feedback. They want to see you succeed.
Apply this to persistence and see the results.... Keep trying and get useful feedback

Last week:

I gave you a task to complete one thing off the list... did you do it?
If not, go and do it.
This week I want you to go and buy Stephen Key's book. If you did it last week, then read the first Chapter. Just the first chapter! Nothing else.... Some of the go-getters out there want to do more, but I urge you not to.

Send me a message or comment and have a great week!