So here they are, the five things James Franco can teach you about licensing:
1) Mr. Franco told me that he actually dropped out of UCLA after his first year.
Failure is only bad if you allow it to be... use your past experiences to your benefit
2) Stare down your enemies... with those half-sleepy James Franco eyes. His eyes look upon his opponents with the same steady gaze that is ready for bed.
This one is a little bit of a stretch... I will admit. Look at companies and potential licensing partners the same as you would a friend or neighbor. Be nice and friendly with them. Over-professional inventor won't make the same impact as friendly inventor.
3) Keep working hard. James told me that his first attempt at a t.v. show went into the dumps. It was cancelled after the first year.
Keep working with different ideas and different companies to get your idea out there.
4) Try many different things. James Franco was an extra in a movie even after he "made it." James Franco went back to school to get his PhD after he had "made it" as a big Hollywood Star.
Try different things with licensing. Don't be afraid to tread into new waters.
5) Keep smiling and having a good time. James Franco loves to smile and is known for his smile.
Don't take yourself too seriously and keep trying.
I hope those tips were helpful... they sure were to me. Good luck on your invention journey and drop me a line about your struggles. Best comment will get to sit down and chat with James Franco!
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