Thursday, December 12, 2013

Sustained effort and systems

I sometimes get very passionate about a subject and then put all my effort into it for a time. After a few weeks or so, I get bored with it or I just give up when I run into an obstacle.
Recently, I have begun using systems to achieve my goals. Systems are habits that happen without you thinking about them. For example, every morning when I wake up, I brush my teeth. I don't make a conscious decision every morning. I don't say, "I should brush my teeth this morning." It happens without me thinking about it.
Let's apply that to licensing. I spent the last few months getting excited about projects to license but GETTING NOWHERE! I rarely picked up the phone to talk to any companies!
For my business, I had to consciously decide to make phone calls to companies and it never happened....
Now I use a system. Every day at a specific time, I pick up the phone and make those calls. I don't have to think about it. I don't have to worry about. I am working towards my goal of retirement by utilizing a system.

What are some things that you have been struggling with that you could apply a system to?
Write your comment below...

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