Sunday, November 10, 2013

Making Money

A note on making it big:

As I am working on these deals of mine (I am a licensing agent who helps people sell their ideas), I realized that one cannot focus on the outcome. In the case of what we are learning, licensing, one cannot focus on the monetary benefit. If someone makes that their goal, then they will be miserable the rest of the time. Getting the paycheck is such a small part of the entire process.

It is like the story of Sisyphus. He works so hard to push a rock uphill only to have it fall down to the bottom again. Once the rock is at the bottom, Sisyphus must once again push the rock up the hill.

The entire process of licensing starts with coming up with an idea, changing it to fit your customer's needs, doing market research, pitching to companies, negotiating with companies, and cutting a deal.

One should enjoy the entire process not just the outcome. The only advice I can give in this area is that if you aren't enjoying it (a question you must ask yourself) then get out of this industry and try something else. The entire process is heart-breaking and will test you on every level. If you do love what you do, then you will enjoy every possible outcome and "roll with the punches" much better.
In essence, do what you love to do and finding what you love to do is worth every bit of effort.

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